Croydon, N.H. - USA

Aquired from and still co-owned with Frenchiexotics in Fla.,
dob 6/21/22, Bo has sired litters with our Taffy and Patsy and and quite a few outside girls.
27 lbs. with very nice overall structure and a super sweet personality
His color DNA profile: at/a, dd, co/co, Ee, B/b, L/l4... This means he is a Lilac&tan carrying Isabella Chocolate, cream and Fluffy, No Brindle, pied or Fawn....Bo can produce pretty much EVERY Frenchie color and Fluffies
He is available for Stud service to select females.
For stud service inquiries call or text 603-731-1420
Cooper is a stunning shade of Red chocolate usually called Roho and he is a real sweetheart.
dob 9/24/22, Cooper sired his first litter of 5 Gorgeous babies with Gabby late 2023 and then he sired a Stunning litter of 6 with her July 2024, he has also sired a few other nice litters.
26 lbs. with very nice overall structure and a super sweet personality
His color DNA profile: at/a, Dd, Co/co, b/b, Ee, N/S... This means he is a Roho&tan carrying Dark Chocolate, cream and Pied,.. No Brindle or Fawn....Cooper can produce pretty much EVERY Frenchie color
He is available for Stud service to select females.
For stud service inquiries call or text 603-731-1420
We Produced this boy here at Rockybound Frenchies LLC with help from Birch Bay Ranch Frenchies and we are super excited about his future as a dad here. He recently sired a Fantastic litter of 5 with Tina..
dob 6/17/23
He has Fantastic overall structure and weighs 28 lbs.. Reynolds has amazing aqua blue/green eyes
His color DNA profile: at/a, bb, Dd, co/co, SS... This means he is a Double Chocolate pied carrying tan points and Blue
He is available for Stud service to select females.
For stud service inquiries call or text 603-731-1420
This really handsome sweetheart lives with a friend in Hillsboro NH and he sired his 1st litter with our Reba late 2023 and he has now sired many litters with 5-10 pups.
dob 1/05/23, he weighs 25 lbs. with really nice overall structure, he is super sweet and affectionate
His color DNA profile: at/a, Bb, dd, Co/co, Ee... This means he is Blue&Tan and carries both chocolates and Cream
He is available for Stud service to select females.
For stud service inquiries call or text 603-731-1420
This Handsome, powerful Blue boy is owned by Rockybound Frenchies LLC but lives with a friend. DOB 03/29/21
Bronson has sired quite a few litters for us and outside females, his pups are always strong and healthy with really nice heads like him.
His color dna is: aa, Bb, Coco, dd, Ee, N/S... This means he is solid Blue and carries Both chocolates along with cream and pied so he can produce every color when paired with the right female... Bronson is very sweet and well proportioned but Rugged at 29 lbs...
He is available for Stud service to select females.
For stud service inquiries call or text 603-731-1420
Brady just began his career as a stud May 2024 with a very successful breeding with our Patsy, 6 pups.
30 lbs. with very nice overall structure and very friendly and cuddly
His color DNA profile: at/at, Bb, Dd, co/co, Mm ... This means he is a Dark Chocolate & Tan Merle, carrying Isabella Chocolate and Blue, No Brindle, pied or Fawn.
He is co-owned by us and a local family and is available for Stud service to select females.
For stud service inquiries call or text 603-731-1420
Elliott is beginning his career as a Stud August 2024 by breeding our Pretty girl Whitney.
23 lbs. with very nice overall structure and very friendly and cuddly
His color DNA profile: ay/a, dd, N/S, ... This means he is a Blue Fawn carrying Pied.
Elliott lives nearby with family and is available for Stud service to select females.
For stud service inquiries call or text 603-731-1420
262 Pine Hill Rd.
Croydon, NH 03773