Croydon, N.H. - USA

Our Gorgeous Isabella girl Pepper came into end of Feb. and she was bred early March to our really Handsome Cocoa & Tan merle boy Brady, if successful they can produce a mixture of colors and about half should be Merle pattern. Tentative due date 4/28/25.
Our pretty Blue Fawn girl Patsy also came into heat late Feb. and she was bred to our Super Handsome Blue Fawn boy Elliott, if successful they should produce mostly Fawn pups with possibly some Blue pups and she is also due around April 27-28th.
Tina, our very pretty dark cocoa & Tan girl was also bred early March with our super handsome Red chocolate pied boy Reynolds, if successful they should produce Dark cocoa & Tan and Red Chocolate & Tan pups first week of May 2025.
Whitney, our Beautiful Isabella & Tan girl was bred 3/28/25 to our Super Handsome Red Chocolate pied boy Reynolds, if successful they should produce Red Chocolate, Isabella and Lilac pups late May 2025
Future breedings:
Abbie, our Beautiful Blue & Tan girl should be in heat late April or May 2025 and then our petite Gorgeous Cream girl Raelynn should be in heat in May.
262 Pine Hill Rd.
Croydon, NH 03773